Friday, November 6, 2009

Today while preparing for an interview my mom told me "Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want". I came downstairs dressed like a ghostbuster with my proton pack from 10 years ago. She didn't find it funny.

Today my closet is being built ,ofcourse mistakes where made again .Truely i am not surprised .I do not know how long it will take or if i can even sleep in my own room tonight but i don't even care to know something will go wrong again. Lord i just want to slap all these workers ,for all their mistakes ,i have never seen ANYONE make these many mistakes & they do this work everyday .


"Today, I was trying to be productive and was some what succeeding. That is until I got a text from my little sister ask me what blind people dream about. Homework didn't stand a chance after that. I'm still thinking about it."

"A few weeks ago, the CA in my dorm put up some signs about STDs and pregnancy. One of them said "Abstinence is the only 100% effective way of avoiding pregnancy." One morning I noticed that someone had taped next to it a picture of Mary and Jesus with the caption "99.9%" ."

"Today, I was at my great uncle's funeral. He had always had the greatest sense of humor, and he and my uncle were always picking on each other or playing pranks on each other. I then looked up to see my uncle walk in with a "get well soon" card."

"Today I passed a church with the marquee reading: Church Parking Only; All Violators Will be Baptized. I am glad even religious people have a sense of humor. "

"A little while ago, I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with my sister, mom, and dad. When the movie characters raised their wands at the end to remember Dumbledore, my dad slowly raised his drinking straw, and was followed by the entire filled IMAX theater. "

"Today I passed by a guy with a shirt with a lot of writing on it, and I slowed down to read it. By the fifth line I realized it said "now look up, you look like a complete idiot staring at my chest right now" Sure enough, I had stopped in the middle of a crowded side walk and had been staring intently for three minutes trying to make out the words without glasses. The guy had stopped to watched me read, laughing. We have a date tomorrow. "  -this one realy sounds like me .

-MLIA -My Life is Average

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