Saturday, March 26, 2011

Apoligies I have been completely busy. Since I am writting several exams  and when I am not studying I am out enjoying the warm weather with my dear boyfriend and friends. I watched  'Last Night' last evening and it is a brilliant movie which I would encourage anyone to see. It has made me realise that " cheating on you partner" is not something I would be very upset by. Being attracted to another person is natural and craving something new and foreig understandable. Why should I deny someone I love something that would contribute to their happyness. It is the true ,strong bonds you should fear. "A one night stand" has no lasting effects on someones emotions . If ,however, you start to love two people equally it becomes difficult. Ultimatley this shows oncemore that subscribing to common belief is irrational.
Enjoy the Weekend / I'll be studying

Friday, March 11, 2011


I Love me a bearded fellowe.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I've been listening to the 80's .
New Order