Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year , i learned alot in 2009 & hope to learn & understand much more in 2010 .
Next year will be atleast as good got through alot in the past year ,looking forward to getting all the necesarry things organized & starting some new projects .
" How did the concept of a game become this catch-all term to describe self-interested romantic maneuvering? It is completely the wrong word and the wrong idea.
 A game has rules to which every player agrees. The back-and-forth exchange of control is material and evident. A game is made up of conventions and takes place in a circumscribed area. Most importantly, the stakes are understood.

None of these things applies to a relationship or even a flirtation. A game is the opposite of a relationship! “Games People Play” are not games at all— a person can’t play a game with someone who doesn’t know his hand has been dealt. The people in charge of such things have got to think of a new term in order to eliminate this imprecision."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well then
Merry Christmas  ,I hope everyone enjoys their holidays .This year is a first  year in a long time since we celebrated with our whole family . when i was little we flew over & celebrated with my Grandma  but that has been a real long time ago . This year  New Years & Christmas are a family event . My Grandma is celberating Christmas with us & the rest of the family will be stopping in between now & New Years .
I did not wish for anything this year ,because i will probably spontaneously be ordering things throughout the year .I  dosen't seem fair to want more .
The one thing i do wish for though is to have more readers . I am so thankful for the ones i do have .
I do not know how often i will be attending to the blog for the next week so
Merry Christmas  & Happy NewYears !!
Goodbye 2009 now comes the new year 2010 .Hope you get everything you wished for .

Monday, December 21, 2009

Raquel - Neon Neon

Now the Rain is sure to know what you think of it's presence .

Sunday, December 20, 2009

R.I.P  Brittany Murphy ; very sad to hear about something like this happen to someone so young . It makes you wonder what is the point .


I cannot continue writting my 5 page essay without music .

A Film by Noah & the Whale - The First Days of Spring
Noah &The Whale has become one of my favotite Bands,they are incredibly unique  their music is striking .
Charlie Fink, the lead singer of the band, has created a 45 minute long movie that accompanies & is scored by their newest album, The First Days of Spring.
(Which i have on my iTunes ,it is on replay all the time).

The film is incredibly shot, with lots of beautiful locations and wide landscapes. The whole thing was shot in 8 days on a meager budget ,which does not show at all , it is so well done .I hope to see more Films in the futur .
The acual question though is ,what is the Film about , in your opinion ?
Take a look .

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WHERE THE WILDTHINGS ARE in theaters 17 th of December ;TODAY .Here in Europe .The kid who playes Max is so adorable .


Friday, December 11, 2009


Twilight Lip Venom (...) are you trying to be funny ? I feel ashamed that i came across this .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


"I mean if you think about it you are kinda fucked , in terms of fashion ofcourse .I on the contrary perfer music .For you ,well everyone is trying to do the same thing . & is it not depressing to see that you look hardley different from the others? This is what must happen when everyone tryes to be unique & how could it be any different ,each inspires the other ,that is the basis of fashion ,you all admit another thing inspired you & that you are a part of eachthing you see .
 Sounds beautiful CAN be ,donot persive me wrong but IS not . Even when satisfied with oneself ;if one has their eyes WIDE open they see meaning .If however slightly closed they might aswell be blind ,hell they would be betterof blind .i hate it ,it rotts your soul & is the true defenition of a love/hate relationship /existence .
BUT it is everything i aspire to .It is the best part of my day & what i dream about in the night ,i see it in the oddestof moments & it is what i want ,always. "
Next time let's just not think about it .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Peterpan syndrom
i seem to be a much darker form then i thought .

Annette Messager :the Messengers       /08
"Painting, photography, articles, objects assembled from found objects, words, stuffed animals, plush toys, fabrics, embroidery, thread and knitting "_ which portray the everyday ?_
"Messager explores the various dichotomies and contradictions inherent in the human condition: religion and secularity, humor and fear, love and pain, woman and man, animal and human, childhood and adulthood, life and death, surface and substance. Springing perhaps from meditations on impulsive collecting , from games with plush toys, or from odd wordplay, Messager's art possesses both a childlike innocence and a brutality that afford multiple readings. With a flair for incorporating wry humor into even the most direct confrontations with negative aspects of human endeavor, Messager is able to move and delight people of all generations.
Charming and fantastical, and at times taking strange and mysterious forms, Messager's art works are "messengers" that talk directly to our souls. "
Amazing how you could, if you where inclined to,  read into all this so much . Truely if these viewers read into foundobjects & abused stuffed animals so much .Why can they not think about other far more important things,or things who's results would be benefitial . I adore art but often i think why don't we just take something we found in the trash & nail to to the wall ,then pretend it has sentimental value & furthermore reason ,let people think about the reason it could have and call ourself an artist .
Imagine for instance a coke can on a pedestal .
The artist & a visitor walk up to it ,the visitor looks at the can for minutes on end  pondering it's meaning ,while the artist looks smug .After the viewer believes they have unraveled the mistary behind the object on the pedestal he explains the meaning ,& reason he believes it to have .
The artist nods approvingly & later explains it means nothing, no meaning ,no reason only portaying the trivial need for humain to give everything reason ,to want to understand everything ,it means nothing & he is no artist . Or is he ? Because he portayed maby more then he ment to .

Back to the Messengers it realy is just abunch of objects nailed to the wall claiming to have value but if you are ever in Japan view maby one of her new exibits the last exibit was here ,they have any further information.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I finally understand why the infamouse 'heels without heels 'where made past season . I cannot believe i did not see this before !
Fashion week means a bunch of broken designer heels ,what a shame it is to loose your shoes in such a fatal accident . Also you look quite dumm spending the rest of the day in 3/4 of a pair of heels .
Now you can simple brake of the other heel too . Also i can see the potencial their ,personally i like those NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD  s look better without the heel regardless .
Sea of Ghosts
i seem to like those words ,that combonation.
You MUST start with the first truth .

I have to Admit ,i am an idiot aswell .
How to prevent a sneeze when you feels one coming on.
"The trick—does everyone know this already?—is to rub the bridge of your nose with a finger as though you were erasing the need to sneeze. It works." - MM

It does .

How to prevent smiling
Bite the inside of your cheeks .Then again why would you want to prevent a smile ?

Space 15 Twenty turns 1 !

Space 15 Twenty turned 1 on december 5th easy date to remember ,caitlins birthday .
The party  :Face paiting !!,vegan cookies ,great company ,great 'Space' ( no pun intended ) & special performance by  GIRLS  .

a VIP party ,Free & open to the Public .


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Personally i believe that the words  " miss " & " love " are used to casualy in meaning or conversation . Because if the words are truely ment they are overpoweringly strong .Then as humans we shutdown & turn numb ,emotionless . We try to avoid missing something because we cannot deal with it .Which makes one wonder  is it better to truely miss something or turn numb ; to embrasse the pain because it shows you that you acualy care about something ,reminds you what it means to you .Whereas if you are emotionless you might forget why you cared at all .Their is no balance present & unstabile is a solid word .


It kills me to not be in DC right now . More then usualy because it snowed ,real snow ,a thick layer. I love the Snow ,mostly when i am inside  i stay outside sometimes for hours ,but  i love coming inside & having hot chocolate & listening to all the christmas songs . [ did you know they have a channel where they only play " rudolf the rednose reindeer" ONLY ! ] then driving to Starbucks & stirring the coffee with a candycane ,that is my favorite part . In DC the seasons are so opposite of oneanother each one is so beautiful in it's own regions . At present everything is covered in white
& eventhough last year i did not want to go into the city & look at all the christmas trees again .Because honestly someof them are not beautiful & it was so cold .I am so glad i did ,DC is so decorated in the christmas season  Everyone who has been in DC for the Holiday season knows what i am attempting to explain .When it snows when you go to sleep & their is already snow on the ground  ,you truely believe you know the meaning of 'winterwonderland ' . I suppose i know why their is a song about DC at christmas time .
I hope everyone is enjoying the snow .

Friday, December 4, 2009

Poetry & illustration:
hello popshot .Also look at the Blog on the site .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

+ Damn the internet is just amazing ,we have completaly stopped appriciating it's awesome power .
+ Let us not try to be so damn philosofical .
+ well you are a half so then we have 1 & a half .

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Journey Round My Skull
"Unhealthy book fetishism from a reader, collector, and amateur historian of forgotten literature."
Recent obsessions: illustration and graphic design."
Shall we ?
A Journet Round My Skull is a true treasuretrove of grafic images & works of an amateur historian.


Sunday, November 29, 2009


I hate Chemistry .It is simple horrible ,honestly who cares about all these different substenses creating something else . I cannot remeber their names nor the names of their results & even if i do by tomorrowe morning they will be forgotten spontaneously the moment after i am done .Although learning how crystals are created was infinently interresting ,i suppose i just dread our current topic .
In theory i love the idea of chemestry .Learning how something is created & experimenting .But somehow i am just not good at it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


1 Destination for all good things on WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE & visual proof that i am not the only one crazy about this movie .They deticated a website to it .Magical powers indeed .


"Because cultur isen't easy "

Today i spent doing some Homework ; tomorrowe i will be Studying .But i did watch New Moon with my Mom & Sister  today . We watched the movie in it's original version .( given the country it was nice to see it in english .) I thought the movie was real good & i can't imagine them doing the Book justice better then they have .The emotions perhaps weren't as strong as in the Book but without all the internel struggel that is exacly how it would have looked .
I now realy look forward to watching WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE it is hard for be to understand that i have not posted about it .Perhaps because i would go completaly overboard. I tend to get abit overwhelmed when i care about something alot . The movie truely speaks for myself ,I mean when i feel good . Not just as a 'WILD THING ' hardley ,but more the love & childhood that is portrayed so clearnly .The feel of the Movie is wimsical & also sad & the visuals are incrediable ,so beautiful .
Or maby it is just the soundtrack ,which is killer.
Maby i should never post about it ,i will never be able to put it into words correctly .& it would take hours for me to do one post .I did acually watch a 'making of ' video; the kid who plays Max  -so great ,& the things they did -Wild .
I think i will be getting the Movie Book ,with all the 'pretty pictures'.
Go check out the Soundtrack on iTunes ,it is extrodinary.
[I was acualy planning on wearing my Favorite ;WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE shirt to the first showing.]

This is the Trailer which you DoNOT see everywhere.Every visual aspect of this movie is inspiring .& it is amazing to see how they did all this . It must be quite odd walking around set & seeing all these WILD THINGS etc.

EDIT : I apologize for having the Video so disorted  , you can Youtube the titel again ,& watch it correctly & ,maby you will find the other Video to thisone ,I cannot anymore )
I told you i would get carried away & i it has not even taken me 10 minutes  The creators should be proud that this Movie has brought out the Kid ( even if just for 2 hours ) in so many people & made them feel so many strong emotions .i suppose it is everything together : The message ,The storyline ,The characters ,The Music ,The visuals .Every aspect makes it beautiful . & all these judgement before having watched the whole movie .

"This movie really brings back the days of childhood when the emotions were close and immediate, the passions intense, vaguely strange, terrifying and beautiful all at the same time"
"I was deeply moved by the film, more so than I ever could have imagined. "


Friday, November 27, 2009

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving .Mine was not realy an event this year .But i did have Turkey ,on a sandwich that is . Hope that you had a real meal [ i acually love Thanksgiving so it was real sad that we did not have one .] But fill this out ,by leaving your answers in the comments !

1. This Thanksgiving, I ate too much _________

2. The movie we watched (on TV or at the cinema) was ________

3. I think “Black Friday” is lame but I still really want to buy ____________

4. The celeb I’d most want at Thanksgiving dinner is ___________

5. The song I play when I’m finally alone without all the guests and relatives around is __________


Banshee Beat from the Creator of wwwolf

Banshee Beat shows us beautiful collages seemingly influenced by magic &  the univers & wolfs + if we get lucky some photografie similar to polaroids & remenisent of Arizona.Once again not a Blog focused on fashion but on Arts. It is so interresting to see many different styles of photografie & Art (...)
What do you see ?
What was that an egg joke ? go look for yourself .& perhaps you will find deeper meaning to this all .

Post Script : Celebrities are often alot smaller then you expected.Why is this ?
 Be quick ATLANTIS VINTAGE reopened & almost all the Ross Belts are sold . I love those damn Ross animal belts . Sadley abit out of my prize range . it truely hurts to know that they will only get more expensive with time & that i will never have one .Enough moping though ,perhaps i will have my own one day .

Also did anyone know Coco Chanel liked Kamels ? truthfully i never knew this . I just wondered ' would Coco Chanel have approved of Karl Lagerfeld  ? '


Thursday, November 26, 2009


Artists are indescrutable & completaly vulnerable ,with our ever changing realaties .It becomes hard to desinct wishful thinking from probable causes.& then the music set's it all back into perspective .Then again ,somethings are just ever present .

Kate Moss KAWS

i love KAWS ! Their art is ridiculousely awe-inspiring.The art is brilliant & funny .I hope to have one of their sculpturs in the futur ,or perhaps a painting .
KAWS  adds their comic creations into completaly different styles of art . Creating a signature .
i hope to go to one of their show rooms .I was once at a show-room gallery where they featured some KAWS pieces . Also had painted luggage (...)
i wasen't aloud to take any pictures but that was certainly a great trip.
i will let the art speak for itself now .

[ honeyee : They have a Blog ;Think Piece; Store or even a Plog ( whateverthat is? ) - section connected to KAWS .]


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I go abit crazy when vintage shopping or at the Big FleaMarkets we have here .They stopped for the winter but every Month strating once again next summer i will be out there. The assortment is hardly modest they have EVERYTHING from the most beautiful vintage pieces ,miles of shoes ,jewelry ,toys ,collectables,sea shells ,old dentist equiptment ,army hats .& the greatest thing is that you can deal the price down up to half the original price .
i look forward to finding some more plastic dinosaurs & vintage .
But for now i am enjoying the Winter .
& BLACK BLACK i hope these kids never stop making music & trust me if they ever tour & come anywhere close to my area i will be their .
If i have the time i will do a post about them but if not do some reserch yourself .They are well worth it .

"we’re stoked to introduce our exclusive holiday jewelry collection with urban outfitters!

comprised of rhinestones, chains, studs and suede piecing, we hand crafted the originals from our favorite vintage brooches, antique chains and distressed studs…

limited edition! now available online at"


BleachBlack Rhinestone Bracelet

BleachBlack Rhinestone Necklace

I favor the Necklace.

Considering the pricing they might be poor quality but certainly beautiful pieces if tooken well care of ,& perhaps rather a instore purshase .

Keith Haring

keith haring is a great artist & Designer . Certainly some interresting pieces , the line comes out in December  still in time for Christmas; But you can already get some of his Designes (...) Perhaps a Clutch?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object ?
Daul Kim ( apparently )commited suicide several days ago on 11/19/09 .She was a model & blogger . Her blog " i like to fork myself " had such a dark slant & her last Post -Say hi to Foever .One could ask why did she not just quit but this world fashion has created is adictive & bearly escable.She will be truely missed .

Possibly the best Band -Aids  until now ;although Band-Aids have become quite advanced in the last years .With saying like 'Sucks to be you ' these would be a great gift.
as i cannot order the catalog myself & i love these because they are great for collages =cutting out + drawing on .Order them & keep them until i come pick them up .
& i know i should stop viewing the American sites for everything ,because everytime something says it is Free or even if i just want to order something  there is a irratating little message for US & Canada ONLY  .( Even Alaska -? ) But fact is that the European sites just aren't as good .It would seem that because the US groupe of people interrested in Music& Art&Fashion etc. is alot more close-knit which gives you better results.

The pieces are made using fragments of pencils that have
been attached together and formed into a variety of shapes. The forming process reveal the interiors
of the pencils, showcasing the wood and the coloured lead.
Surely you could color with one of these ?

(from Design Boom)

Made me laugh today :
" it's easy to be rude...
just because it's not as cool as an ipod "


Sunday, November 22, 2009

It seems that when you are young you are prone to make your own life as hard as possible for youreself .
Sometimes you get a glimpse of that unbiased world ; then you do not understand why you feel or undersatnd something in a certain way . & you want to hold on to that clearer path for yourself but moments later it is gone .that is why they call it a glimpse & you are stuck again making your own life harder .influenced by many thing you think might be important yet could be meaningless.
Style is subjective whatever this means ,it is a complaceted because it is intertwined with the whole cocept of being 'The best ' so in a situation where this concept is not even truely dicided by yourself how can you be happy.
Music is alot easier that way ( i yet somuch harder ). YOU decide what YOU want .YOU creat .it is YOURS & so unique that no one can take that from you or imitate it exacly the same .
Fashion is all about imitation .This is why we hate trends because no matter if it is flattery or not no one wants what is theirs to be taken away & often you feel the need to abandon what is yours when you should be their to stand by it .
The progression of a piece .
The shoulderpads of the 80's where something frownd appon for quite along time .So many jackets where abandoned because the shoulderpads where far to larg .Now after Bailmain ,shoulderpads are in the fashionmagazines once again . & everyone is pretending that they have always liked them ,asif it where something new .Then you tell yourself 'well now they are smaller & so i like them now .' ??
i remeber once trying on a nice jacket & thinking 'i would like it without the shoulderpads .'
& so i do not like shoulderpads, i do think they look good but i try to be as uninfluenced by a current trend aspossible because of my opionion before this trend  i know  that i truely do not like shoulderpads; perhaps i will next year but for now this is how it will be .
Often it is sad to see how unopionated people are ,so open to something they never even considered liking .

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The cold vault __________________________________

TEE TEE TEE  even just as a website is art .& Jennifer Tee is a true artist even  if 'artist' means something different to each of us .One could spend much time looking at all this art & trying to understand it's meaning .
  10 Notes left on Cars by Angry people .& i also hate car alarms .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

American Archive

If you are interrested in in vintage clothing  : YES
If you already shop on Ebay or are thinking about getting started : YES
If Ebay confuses you abit or even if it does not  : American-Archive


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Take a look at : Helloooooo   & find out whoooo they are : Whoooooo-we-are .
I am  now contemplaiting what my " shit kickers " are .

Monday, November 16, 2009


"Artist Kenta Kimura _ fashion drawings from the current looks for this season. It's probably safe to say that he loves animals,especially cats."
These are just funny ; my Favorite is Jack .

Whos is your Favorite ?



Cheeseburgers  vs. Cheeseburger cupcakes . I think i am going to have to pick the Cheese-burger-cup-cakes ,i am not one for Cheeseburgers yet these are as close as you can get  visualy.
I plan on making these -for Christmas maby ? 

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What inspires you the most when creating your artwork?

MARCELINA AMELIA : Faces, emotions and bodies. Thoughts and dreams. Sensuality and sadness. To my way of thinking, an artist never has a break from his work. Every day is an inspiration, creative ones have their eyes always open. I look very carefully at the people around me.

(_as do i .)
Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks

Have you ever wondered what the story behind a Photograph was ? why it was tooken ? what it means to the Photographer ? wwwolf  is showing it's readers "The story behind the photograph" ,This is A World Wide Project ,which you can join in on ,by sending in your own picture with a Story .

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Going to the city today for some Coffe. Brunch  with V .I am planning to exchange my small with desk /which is reasonable for myself because i clutter everything for the big table that is 'out of use ' at present .I hope that works out .



These kids are about the coolest kids i have ever seen . PURPLE Fashion Magazine FALL /WINTER 2009/10/ Shot by Ryan McGinley.
i love the clothing with the childish headpieces. The kids are wearing some of the most beloved pieces of FALL /WINTER 09/10 ; the Balmain dress with it's extreme 80's shoulders ( Balmain was a real influencel show this saision ) the CHANEL jackets with their colonial touches. I know i have i have seen ALL of these pieces in Collection /on the runway & i think these kids portray them much better & alot more originaly then they have been.
This editorial is genius i still do not know if it is being sarcastic & 'making fun' of Fashion or if it just shows what fashion could be if tooken out of the previouse realms .Personaly i find this so much more interresting . Also it must have been so much fun to shoot this .
( via  coutequecoute )_ for the Full size shots which are great.