Monday, August 31, 2009

Bike trip

Yesterday as mentioned we did a bike trip to the Rhein .The wetter was perfect warm with a light breeze . & when one drove fast the wind was so bold that you could believe you where standing on the beach in Holland .There was a faint breeze of ocean in the air & the sun was soothing .It was very nice i will be taking another trip down their to take some pictures .I didn't this time because i didn't want to slow anyone down .The area around the Rhein ,The Rheinaue was very beautiful also their was a swan in a big pond & people where on the grass everywhere.Playing on the playgrounds ,flying kits,picnicking & playing with their dogs.Sadly i had to go to school again today .Now i must study .

Sunday, August 30, 2009

City Bike

I didn't get to do any Blogging yesterday ,because i had allot going on .I got to sleep in which was nice ,but ended up being dead tired by the afternoon.Our bikes where delivered & we drove to the grocery store to get some energy drinks.Later my mum & myself went too Homedepot to get some paint ,because we are going to paint some furnishings white .Also i got some spray paint ,because i want to try a new artprojekt .I have never worked with spray paint before so it should be fun .In addition we went to the grocery store & got so much that both our fridge's are full ( the small one for drinks & the big one for food) .Also my whole family drove with our newly acquired bikes to VAPIANO & i had a really good salad ,again i didn't take any pictures because i didn't have a place to put my camera but i have a basket on the bike now ,so i can place my things in that from now on.if i carry anything i don't carry a bag but just my camera .In the evening i watched Nick & Norah's Infinite Playliste , which is such a great movie .
Planning on driving down to the Rhein today so i might not be able to blog more .( not that it matters much.)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Today has just been a bad day & i had been looking so forward for the week to end .First this kid sucks the fun out of my Friday ,why is it so impossible for to individualise to be just friends why do not shared feeling have to come between that .I should have lied that first time he asked if i still had a boyfriend.other than that i am just so tired and i want a room with a door ,i want a bed .i want to slip into oblivion.

Diva and Lola Dompe are two sisters from Los Angeles. With their band BLACKBLACK, they've performed covered in blood (fake, that is), dressed as planets in outer space, and been a tribe of neon butterfly worshipers. In addition to being musicians, artists and all-around creative individuals, both Lola and Diva are college biology majors. As Zelda Fitzgerald said, "She refused to be bored chiefly because she was never boring."

What were you guys like as little kids?

Lola: We were pretty different, but we did get along most of the time and we were pretty close. Diva was bossy and I was very stubborn.

Diva: Lola and I got along pretty well, and it is nice to have each other. I think our only conflicts came when I would try to boss her around when we were kids. I have seen some home videos, and she was definitely not having it. She would just ignore me!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I think that for the moment the Blog will consist of ,things that inspire me in terms of Photos;Photography .i cant find the cable for my camera so i cant upload any pictures & since i am back in school i haven't token many pictures .Also all my "good"clothes are in boxes ,which i cant find & my clothing at the moment is what i like but not quite what i want & what i want to showcase .(Also i dont have a scanner so i cant scan any sketches .)Because let's face that ,all bloggers try to inspire ,& showcase themselves .Personally i am starting because i am trying to force myself to take pictures ,usually i just remember & sketch the moment i have a pen & paper .But honestly that has gone out of control & pictures show textures & colors better then the best sketches .It's quite sad ,because their are thousands of blogs out their ,& most strive to be the next generation of editor in chiefs at their favorite fashion magazine or a designer ,because we all love the same thing ,& even though it sounds beyond shallow to say i am interested in fashion ,the people who truly are are inspired by anything they see and cant help but try to share that with as many people as possible ,who appreciate it .We create our own world ,which only the people who do the same can understand. We creat our own truth & hope that someone might care .


"The only real full-time people in this world, it seems to me, are people of faith, like a preacher or a saint, a criminal or an artist, because 24 hours a day those people are always on to something. We’re so busy being in love with the world that we can’t help but recreate it and keep trying to turn it into our own truth.”
- Ryan Adams

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Went to the grocery shop ,after school today with Max .on a minor note ,wish my bike was already delivered,i hate to walk so much .Got some RedBull and icecream .& i drew today usually i sketch clothes ,but today i did some art .I plan to do allot more art projects ,in the Future.


Jane Aldridge;

The always inspiring Jane Aldridge with her ,very popular Blog Sea of Shoes .

Jane's envyed Shoe closet .


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Went to VAPIANO for Lunch,with two friends/classmates.Shared pizza.I didn't have my camera ,so i don't have picture to post .I will find one on Google .Also got a six pack of RedBull turns out i found someone who shares my love for RedBull .
Listening to "Boy Boy " by Lissy Trullie
,but my headphones just broke ,i have to find a apple Store& get new ones ,apple headphones are durable so i prefer those or i could get Panasonic headphones ,those big earmuff type headphones.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Alexa chung
i love the Bedding ,i still have to get a new Bed ,which i want to have all white Bedding ,but this is a good alternative .I love how Big the bed is ,which would be great for me ,my desk is tiny
& i do all my work on my Bed ,Homework ,play guitar&write ,watch movies,sketch .Its quite sad i only have a matress right now .


uneventful monday

I watched Sweeney Todd to day and it is ridiculously gruesome ,but the blood looks so unreal ,well honestly i wouldn't know how it looks in the liters .
What i love about movies set in a later century is the costumes they are so intricate ,its a shame for example Keira Knightly in The Duchess the fabrics are ridiculous .I wonder why we don't make clothes with such fabrics anymore !
Other then that i had to go to school today ,& i still haven't gotten my books though i have inquired about them allot .
I watched some episodes of it's on with alexa chung i really like her ,typically British ,a bit odd ,a friend told me about her .
One good thing did come of my new experiences ,i haven't written this much music in awhile .
I truly hope things will get better ,but i will endure for the moment .
Next weekend i will try to find out where i can get takeout Chinese & where they have good Sushi.
Also what i like here is that i will get to work on more art ( & crafts )projects ,i just wish my friends where here so i could enjoy that with them .No matter how many projects i plan to do ,its not so much fun lonely .

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today i finally purchased my bike it is so beautiful its a red city bike ,which i am planning to cover with stickers.Also we went to STAPLES & got loads of school supplies,i love getting things like Highlighters & Post it's.It's really good to hear from Friends when your new in a different place ,good to be reminded of the ones who love you and what is normal to oneself.i think i am going to become an avide internetshopper ,i must find little stores with vintage & goodquality clothing ,Zara seems quite good i purchased a great denim jacket their,but i miss URBAN OUTFITTERS
they have some great things so i will have to change the shipping adress on my account at the webshope .

Friday, August 21, 2009


I am so happy to restart my blog .Although my first attempt was feeble ,i have learned more since then & really thought about what i wanted to do with this Blog .Yet i hope that it will develop & that i can be as good at this as the ones that inspired me .I have to learn how to place links & but my pictures on the site .I suppose this is more for myself at the moment but i hope that one day it will inspire others.