Monday, August 31, 2009

Bike trip

Yesterday as mentioned we did a bike trip to the Rhein .The wetter was perfect warm with a light breeze . & when one drove fast the wind was so bold that you could believe you where standing on the beach in Holland .There was a faint breeze of ocean in the air & the sun was soothing .It was very nice i will be taking another trip down their to take some pictures .I didn't this time because i didn't want to slow anyone down .The area around the Rhein ,The Rheinaue was very beautiful also their was a swan in a big pond & people where on the grass everywhere.Playing on the playgrounds ,flying kits,picnicking & playing with their dogs.Sadly i had to go to school again today .Now i must study .

1 comment:

  1. oh krissi how i miss your wise words and i do love reading them

    I love you
    P.S:good job with your blog i really like it
