Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Annette Messager :the Messengers       /08
"Painting, photography, articles, objects assembled from found objects, words, stuffed animals, plush toys, fabrics, embroidery, thread and knitting "_ which portray the everyday ?_
"Messager explores the various dichotomies and contradictions inherent in the human condition: religion and secularity, humor and fear, love and pain, woman and man, animal and human, childhood and adulthood, life and death, surface and substance. Springing perhaps from meditations on impulsive collecting , from games with plush toys, or from odd wordplay, Messager's art possesses both a childlike innocence and a brutality that afford multiple readings. With a flair for incorporating wry humor into even the most direct confrontations with negative aspects of human endeavor, Messager is able to move and delight people of all generations.
Charming and fantastical, and at times taking strange and mysterious forms, Messager's art works are "messengers" that talk directly to our souls. "
Amazing how you could, if you where inclined to,  read into all this so much . Truely if these viewers read into foundobjects & abused stuffed animals so much .Why can they not think about other far more important things,or things who's results would be benefitial . I adore art but often i think why don't we just take something we found in the trash & nail to to the wall ,then pretend it has sentimental value & furthermore reason ,let people think about the reason it could have and call ourself an artist .
Imagine for instance a coke can on a pedestal .
The artist & a visitor walk up to it ,the visitor looks at the can for minutes on end  pondering it's meaning ,while the artist looks smug .After the viewer believes they have unraveled the mistary behind the object on the pedestal he explains the meaning ,& reason he believes it to have .
The artist nods approvingly & later explains it means nothing, no meaning ,no reason only portaying the trivial need for humain to give everything reason ,to want to understand everything ,it means nothing & he is no artist . Or is he ? Because he portayed maby more then he ment to .

Back to the Messengers it realy is just abunch of objects nailed to the wall claiming to have value but if you are ever in Japan view maby one of her new exibits the last exibit was here ,they have any further information.

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